Town Events Throughout the Year
Fourth of July Homecoming – held on July 4th. If the 4th falls on a Sunday, the celebration is held on Saturday, July 3rd. Sponsored by the Accident Volunteer Fire Department and the town.
Town-wide Yard Sale – held the 2nd Saturday of July.
Concert in the Park – hosted by the Accident Concert Band, held on a Sunday in September at the pavilion at Town Park West.
Accident Community Planning Group
The Accident Community Planning Group is sponsored and funded by the Garrett County Health Department. They host, along with the Turkey Federation, a fishing rodeo at the town pond on the third Saturday in May. They also host an Easter Egg Hunt on Palm Sunday, a Fall Festival held after Trick-or-Treating, and Breakfast with Santa on the first Saturday in December, all held at the fire hall located at 109 S. South Street.
Town Parks
Town Park West contains a large pavilion which is used for reunions, birthday parties and many more activities that require a large pavilion with picnic tables and restrooms. There is also a sliding board, seesaw and swing set located near a pavilion. It is located on the western end of Wood Street. The pavilion is available to rent by calling the town office.
Town Park East is located on the southern end of South Street. It contains a full playground with equipment for all ages. Park East also contains the little league field used by the Central Garrett Little League for softball, t-ball and baseball. The concession stand and restrooms are located near the ballfield. The park also contains a quarter-mile walking trail, pitching booth, eight horseshoe pitching pits, tennis court and a small pavilion.
Accident Community Pond is located at the corner of Cemetery Road and North South Street. The pond is stocked several times a year by the State of Maryland. With a donation received from the estate of Francis and Olive Spoerlein, the town was able to clean and install an aeration fountain in 2017 to increase the water’s health for the fish.
Veteran’s Park is located at the intersection of South Main Street and Main Street Extended. The Accident American Legion Post #208 had a memorial built and sponsored a “Buy a Brick” campaign to form a memorial walk around the monument with bricks engraved with the names of United States veterans from the Accident area.
Marjorie Fratz Memorial Park is located next to the Town Hall at 104 South North Street. Ms. Fratz was town clerk for over 10 years and was very instrumental in obtaining funding to restore the Drane House.
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